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Only three days late with this bombshell – photo by @ldn2hk on instagram

You’d think things like this wouldn’t get past the Transformers fandom, but alas, there’s leaks in the ship. Three days ago, SEVENTY-TWO HOURS, an event in Japan rocked the sneakerhead nation: Atmos Con Vol. 6. Like usually with these shoe / toy crossovers, it happened in Japan and it seems like literally no one is around to figure out any details that can be translated into English.

The only reason I even stumbled upon this was by finding this video recap of the event on the @atmos_tokyo Instagram page which features some quick shots of before un-seen MP-10 shoe redecos. Oy vey.

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So let’s do a count of how many of these there are so far:

  • Elephant Convoy – Revealed at Wonderfest 2019
  • Viotech Convoy – Revealed at Wonderfest 2019
  • Duck Camo Convoy – Seen at Wonderfest 2019
  • MP-10ASL (Atmos Safari LeBron Ver.) – released March 2, 2019
  • Tiger Camo Convoy – revealed at Atmos Con Vol. 6 on March 10, 2019
  • Animal Convoy – revealed at Atmos Con Vol. 6 on March 10, 2019
Elephant is still out there – photo by @ldn2hk on instagram

So what does this mean for would be MP-10 completists? Well, the game just got more complicated and you better start saving up! These are going to be some of the most difficult to acquire Transformers of all time. This is my prediction since there’s still zero to almost negative amounts of information on these and they just keep popping up like weeds!

Edit: Originally we incorrectly named Animal Convoy as Tiger Camo Convoy (Yellow) and Tiger Camo Convoy listed as Tiger Camo Convoy (Black).