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The world’s most valuable accessories, all in one place!

I love the Generation 2 unreleased toys saga and it continues today with another historic offering featuring components of G2 Menasor and the Stunticons.  This time, however, the listing features ALL of the components for a hefty $30,000 price tag.  The last time firepower of this magnitude dropped, the sale went for around $26,000 and hilarity ensued.  The important aspect of that auction was that the purple Menasor head was missing.

Well this time the gang’s all here and it’s on Taobao.  The listing can be found here. I’ve included some of the auction photos for the inevitable time when this auction ends or is pulled.

So are you going to be the ‘lucky’ buyer?

Are these authentic or has the ko market finally created a G2 version of the classics?  Your guess is as good as mine.


The Taobao listing as seen today.


Looks like there are a few missing paint apps, but lots of stickers.


Is there a gun-pack missing here?

