by Collecticon | May 14, 2012 | Blog
Just thought I’d let you all now that I am doing a big sell-off of various Botcon toys, mostly 2012, but some old gems as well. Everything started at $.99 so get watching this stuff!
by Collecticon | Aug 15, 2011 | Blog
I just got finished taking a ton of ebay photographs tonight, thank God! I cannot wait to get rid of some of these figures. There is some decent stuff here too. A bit of vintage G1, Japanese Animated rarities, and TONS of Botcon stuff. So keep your eyes peeled to Ebay...
by Collecticon | Mar 21, 2010 | Blog
I just added a TON of items to Ebay this morning in hopes of a decent week of sales. This is going to be a good chance to show everyone how I think the best way to sell on Ebay is. You have to let the market decide for you. If you just put everything up at buy it now...