by Collecticon | Aug 4, 2016 | Blog
Last night around 1:24 Central time, the Transfan world was once again set ablaze by one of the first full-body robot reveals of a character in the upcoming Transformers film. We got to see that Hot Rod was finally making his prime time debut in the TF movie...
by Collecticon | Feb 13, 2016 | Blog
Here’s where I share some of my favorite photos I managed to take at Hasbro’s 2016 Toy Fair Press event in New York City. Enjoy!
by Collecticon | Jan 4, 2016 | Blog
Strange enough, the world received confirmation of Michael Bay’s involvement with Transformers 5 via a Rolling Stone interview about 13 Hours. As if we didn’t already know. And then there’s this quote from the article: “It’s not good when I’m not...
by Collecticon | Oct 30, 2014 | Blog
Are Hollywood execs and director Michael Bay still dancing like they do every other time a new Transformers film is announced? It seems that this time Bay is calling it quits and has confirmed he wants to film another movie during the currently planned production...
by Collecticon | Mar 25, 2011 | Blog
Liz Lemon came across a poster for Transformers 5: The Planet Of The Earth. This was definitely a jab at the awkwardly titled Transformers: Dark of the Moon. It was perfect for a laugh! It also shows how Transformers as a movie franchise is the butt of many jokes...