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unreleased attacktix Energon Starscream prototype

Anybody seen a ghost?

Something funky must be going on over in China. A large smattering of unreleased Attacktix prototypes flooded Ebay a few weeks ago including Soundwave, Grimlock, Bumblebee, and Energon Starscream. Some of these figures were promised to us in the form of product preview photos and even G1 Megatron and Optimus found their way into a few dollar stores. A large group of those proposed figures simply never came to be and were never heard from again until these auctions appeared.

Attacktix Energon Starscream Star Wars base

I wonder which figure this base belonged to?

Of course I snagged the Energon Starscream figure, which is actually my second (I found an additional one for private sale a month ago). Both are unpainted and made from the same cream-colored plastic placed on a non-matching base. The prototype featured in these photos sports the base for a Star Wars Attacktix figure. The missile is not included but something kind of unique to this figure is its ability to detach from the Attacktix play base.

unreleased Attacktix Energon Starscream prototype hardcopy

Energon Starscream disconnected from the base. String optional?

The sculpt is quite nice and would’ve looked great with the proper paint job. Alas, it was not to be and there is likely to only be one hand-painted hardcopy out there in the mythical Hasbro vaults. I doubt I’ll ever get my hands on that one, but crazier things have happened…

I always enjoy getting a look at non-production figures and Attacktix Energon Starscream does not disappoint. I can’t say I ever figured out how to play this strange game, and by the looks of all these unreleased figures not many others did either. For now bid adieu and check out these photographs courtesy of yours truly.

Side and top views of Attacktix Energon Starscream prototype

TF b2 indeed