From the official Botcon twitter yesterday:
Just realized SO many stories and/or TF continuities (as a whole) were told in installments/seasons of 3… Well, get ready for Season 3.5!
So this could mean a few different things and probably debunks both of my theories of a Car Robots / Robots In Disguise theme or a straight Beast Wars Set. It is true that many Transformers series came in “seasons of three.”
- Transformers Generation 1 – 3 seasons (let’s just say the 3 episodes of “season 4” do not apply here)
- Beast Wars – 3 seasons
- Unicron Trilogy – Armada, Cybertron, and Energon all consist of their own season and a continuation of the same story with relatively the same characters
- Animated – 3 seasons and a ill-fated fourth season
- Transformers films – 3 movies = 3 seasons
My estimation is that we’ll get a mixed set of new characters from each different TF universe. It would be nice to see some more classic-ized Unicron Trilogy toys much like the Hot Shot figure but I am not holding my breath. Apparently we will know the truth as soon as the Collector Club Magazine starts hitting mailboxes around the country.