- About to play transformers pinball !!!! http://t.co/nq3na7cb #
- This was far before the tried and true methods of Transformers releases of today by Hasbro and then Takara #
- I bought BLACK CONVOY and FIRE CONVOY. Seeing these characters in the US for after paying extreme import prices at the time was a burn #
- The original title of this article was more like 'Hey dipshits…" but I decided to be less of a dick http://t.co/nUCIflRD #
- Eating an snoballimus prime – http://t.co/MCe3bscf #
- EYE CANDY! New fun Transformers fan video from Dr Smoov – http://t.co/4dgZJ09g #
- Some Collecticon thoughts on today's Transformers United listings – http://t.co/3K1fldqx #
- You've got to be kidding – snoballimus?? http://t.co/mDYh4k8A #