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Well hello there Mr. Tron, and Cron… and you too Bumblebutt


My coworker and I just received our MP Bluestreaks from Toys R Us and the packaging contains some mighty interesting line art.  Anyone familiar with these types of ‘diagram’ drawings in the packaging knows they almost always reflect real product.  In this packaging, you can see Optimus in his MP-10 rendition.  The interesting things of note here are a brand new slavishly G1 Megatron (with huge feet!), a slightly beefed up Bumblebee that is at least reminiscent of the Masterpiece figure, and my personal favorite, a G1 Unicron in planet mode!  The Unicron is the most surprising and least likely to be based off a toy.  In fact, it almost looks exactly like Floro Dery source material.  The other bots though?  Your guess is as good as mine, but wouldn’t it just be nice, for once, to be right??