The second toy from the upcoming “The Last Knight” toyline was revealed at the Hong Kong Toyfair along with Masterpiece Movie Bumblebee. This time it is Shadow Spark Optimus Prime! We can surmise that this represents the evil Nemesis Prime version of Optimus that we’ve seen battling Bumblebee in the trailers thus far. The color scheme is a little… weird, but the more depressing thing is that this is our first repackaged redeco from a previous movie line popping up. We have a redeceo of Age of Extinction Leader Optimus Prime on our hands, complete with bizarro non-canon sword!
Also revealed is the massive change in packaging which is focusing on box art instead of the toy! I guess the robot characters were finally deemed to matter? Also notice that stupid logo for “Transformers: The Last Knight” is still in effect and this is also dubbed as part of a “premiere line.”