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App attack

As I was expecting, as we get ever closer to the release of the LeBron James Safari shoes and Masterpiece Optimus, things are getting interesting on The Safari releases have been added to the Launch List.

Beyond discovering that the Masterpiece toys will be available only via lottery by waiting in line outside of the store, it’s also now been revealed that there is an online lottery as well that is only accessible through the Atmos app. This is great news except that the app is only in Japanese, and unlike the Chrome browser, there is no latent translation options.

In comes I, Collecticon, who has been diligently translating screenshot by screenshot the app to get an idea of how this works. Unfotunately though, I don’t have much to say because the raffle has not begun yet on the app…

Ok scratch that. As I was writing this the page changed and now something new has begun. It’s about 4-5 hours until the raffle is expected to begin. If you’re reading this, fellow Collecticon, I wish thee luck but realize on a day like this, it’s every bot for himself.