by Collecticon | Mar 3, 2011 | Blog
Deceptigtar sent me an awesome custom from yahoo Japan today. It looked so good I almost thought it wasn’t a custom! It also made me think that this would look super cool next to the supposed Action Master Thundercracker that has been rumored for Botcon 2011!...
by Collecticon | Feb 17, 2011 | Blog
These just came in today from! The orange Sunstorm is GREAT! Now I don’t know what to do with my yellow one. Unfortunately I received two silver seekers instead of a gold chrome one like I ordered, but as usual with, buy at your own risk! I...
by Collecticon | Jan 5, 2011 | Blog
I just received my Yellow Sunstorm from KOtoys along with the purple seeker squad. I was really upset that I bought this mere hours before the orange more G1-accurate Classics Sunstorm was announced for sale. However, now that I have it in hand, I must say it’s...
by Collecticon | Jun 4, 2010 | Blog
Just in case no one happened to see this fabulous display of the second upcoming KOLD release from… I’m off to the Transformers 3 casting call, smell ya later!
by Collecticon | May 13, 2010 | Blog
Some pretty cool photos of the upcoming Transformers Collectors Club exclusive Punch / Counterpunch have made their way onto the net via TFclub. The figure looks great except for one glaring detail – the helmet is covering Punch’s eyes! Oh the horror! ...