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G1 Silverstreak knock-off

Let's get on with it then has announced a new batch of knock-offs.  This time we are ‘treated’ to a G1 knock-off of Bluestreak and Blitzwing.  Both of these figures have Diaclone versions, and Bluestreak’s is incredibly notable.  After seeing what has happened when Knock-offs, Diaclone, and G1 mix together, I am all but certain that one of the greatest tales in Transformers lore is about to be wiped off the slate.  No one wants a regular G1 Bluestreak anymore, the reissues were far more than enough to appease the appetites of us G1 fanboys.  The only reason worth knocking off this piece is to create one of the rarest and most misunderstood unicorns out there: Diaclone Blue Bluestreak.

Diaclone Fairlady Z No.07 Blue Bluestreak

A most beautiful sight indeed

By the way, one of these is on Ebay right now and it’s only got a small bid of something like $2000.  Think I’m kidding?

Diaclone Fairlady Z No.07 Bluestreak on Ebay

5 hours to go even!

To see how the auction fairs, check the link here.

I’ll be really sad to see the most argument-inducing figures ever become a shitty knock-off toy from China.  So sad in fact, that I might just give up and sell everything.  Cash in now before the ko’s become worth much more than the originals!

It seems that the only thing I write about anymore are these wretched knock offs… ba hum bug.